Monday, January 30, 2012

Growing Old - the Concept

This is a blog about growing old without a safety net.  It is my hope that this will result in a business plan, or operating manual, for "surviving" growing old with some comfort and dignity, if that is possible.

The subjects will be somewhat random to start, but will eventually gell into organized content that will help "seniors" such as ourselves, who have never been old before and do not really know how to go about doing it, to look forward to doing so some day with style.

Not everyone is prepared for becoming age-ed.  Some, like us, have foolishly stuck our heads in the sand and refused to have children, to accumulate vast wealth, to secure the longevity and mental acuity genes of the best parents available, to commission paintings that will age in our stead - in other words, to adequately prepare for becoming what is euphemistically but accurately referred to as "old farts."

This blog will explore the nuances of various aspects of being old, from housing options, health options, transportation, etc.  We will look for, and solicit, answers to questions such as:

"Is it possible to retain my natural cynicism in order to avoid being scammed?"
"How will I know when it is time to stop driving?  Who will tell me 'park it, you old fool'?"
"What will my long-term care insurance pay for"
"Who can I trust to be my executor, to manage things I can no longer manage"
"Where can I afford to live"
"What will Medicare pay for"
"How will the Affordable Care Act affect my options"

So, that is what I want to accomplish with this blog.  I hope the many readers of this blog will comment and let me know what they think about the issues I plan to raise.  Am I right?  Am I wrong?  Are there nuances and details I have missed?  Is my humor lame?  What-ever.

Stay tuned.


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