Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summary of Strategies Thus Far

I think it is time to do a short summary of the trategies that we have discussed so far.  Most of the 50-plus posts to this blog can be separated into the following strategies for elding without the support of a network of family and friends:
  1. Maintain your physical health
  2. Maintain your mental health
  3. Maintain your security
  4. Anticipate issues
  5. Develop habits that support the above strategies 
  6. Develop plans well in advance of need
    1. Financial
    2. Operational
    3. End Game
A few other posts fall into the categories of "Weak Attempts at Snarky Humor to Try to Hold Your Attention," and "Trivia and Miscelanea." Do with them as you wish.

Below is a chart sorting the individual posts.  If you are interested in one strategic category, you can find on this chart all the posts that pertain to that subject.  Many of the posts touched on more than one category, and of course the snarky humor is pervasive.

( I hope this chart is readable on the final post.  If not, I will try to find some way to reformat.  And you can send me a reply or email and I will sent you the Excel file from which it was copied)

Growing Old Alone
Navigating Retirement and Aging Without the Support of Family
Summary by Strategic Category
Post Post # Date Maintain Physical Health Maintain Mental Health Maintain Security Anticipate Issues Develop Habits Develop Plans - Financial Develop Plans - Operational Develop Plans - End Game Snarky Humor Trivia and Miscelanea
Growing Old - The Concept 1 1/30/12 N/A
Long Term Care 2 2/4/12 X
Done Got Old 3 2/7/12 X
A short description of Long Term Care Insurance 4 2/9/12 X
If you don't have a plan for where you are going… 5 2/16/12 X X
A few short thoughts 6 2/23/12 X X
Continuing Care Retirement Communities 7 3/3/12 X X
Getting Scammed 8 3/4/12 X X
Update on LTC Insurance 9 3/8/12 X
The Cruise Ship as Retirement Home 10 3/10/12 X
Memory and Habits 11 3/28/12 X X
"I don't want to get old" 12 3/29/12 X
Independent Living 13 4/4/12 X
Retirement Home Hint 14 4/8/12 X
A philosophical digression about the bearing of children 15 4/9/12 X
Long Term Care Cost Update 16 5/1/12 X
A few words on fitness for the kid-less 17 5/2/12 X X
Long Term Care Insruance - is it worth buying? 18 5/14/12 X
Sorry… 19 6/3/12 N/A
Habits, personality and elder abuse 20 6/11/12 X X
Not more on Habits? 21 6/27/12 X X
Attitudes (Gratitude in Particular) 22 7/23/12 X
Yummy! 23 7/23/12 X
Two Things You Need to Know 24 7/26/12 X
Rainy Day Money 25 8/28/12 X
Sex in the nursing home 26 8/28/12 X
Morningstar report 27 8/30/12 X
Morningstar - 40 must know statistics 28 8/30/12 X
Morningstar:  do you have a viable plan for long term care 29 8/30/12 X
A Pasticcio 30 10/3/12 X
A Matter of Context 31 10/9/12 X
The Keys, Please 32 10/15/12 X
Guess we're not the only ones thinking about this 33 10/18/12 X X
Reverse mortgages 34 10/18/12 X
This has nothing to do with aging along, but 35 10/19/12 X X
Care by consensus 36 10/22/12 X
Exercise might beat puzzles for protecting the aging brain 37 10/24/12 X
A reflection on meditation 38 12/16/12 X
Downsizing 39 12/18/12 X X
Helpful publications 40 12/27/12 X
More on meditation from TED talks 41 1/16/13 X
It is really about self reliance 42 1/29/13 X
A sensitive subject 43 2/25/13 X
Involvement keeps the mind sharp 44 2/25/13 X
Confusion.  Happens when you eld. 45 2/27/13 N/A
The Keys Please II 46 3/13/13 X
Some Statistics 47 3/15/13 X
An Example of why the habit of skepticism is so important 48 3/15/13 X X
Co-Housing - Shy didn't I think of that? 49 3/25/13 X
Special Needs Emergency Registry 50 4/8/13 X
Update/Reminder on Long Term Care Insurance 51 5/8/13 X
Some Odd Thoughts on Medicaid and Procreation. 52 5/8/13 X
Look Before You Leap - Or Move. 53 5/13/13 X
Invest in Social Connections 54 5/23/13 X
End-Of-Life Planning 55 5/30/13 X
A Technique for Aging Women to Remain Vital 56 6/3/13 X
Time Bandits 57 7/21/13 X
We Are Not Alone 58 9/1/13 X

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