Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Keys Please II

On October 15, 2012, I posted a blog entry called "The Keys, Please" concerning the question how to know when it is time to stop driving.  The following link is to a document called a Family Driving Agreement.  I think this is an elegant solution to the issue.  It clarifies a specific plan for who will make the determination, and what the consequences of that determination are.

Of course it may not work.  If we have lost our marbles, we may no longer remember that we committed to the agreement, or recognize the trusted party.  Still, it is a stake in the ground.  By doing so while our minds are solvent, we just may have planted a seed of realization that may take root when our minds have dissolved.  It is better than nothing.  And, it just may even be legally binding (I have not asked a lawyer about this).

The document looks something like this:

Family Driving Agreement

Dear Family (or To Whom It May Concern); 

As I continue through the aging process, I realize there may come a day when the
advantages of my continuing to drive are outweighed by the safety risk I pose not only to
myself, but also to other motorists.

I want to continue driving for as long as is safely possible, but when my driving is no
longer safe, I will trust:
(name of trusted friend or relative)

when he/she tells me that I need to discontinue driving, or to continue driving with
certain restrictions.

I will maintain my integrity by listening to and accepting this individual’s driving-related
recommendations, thereby ensuring not only my safety, but also the safety of the
motoring public.

Signed ______________________________________________ Date _____________
(your signature)

Signed _____________________________________________ Date _____________
(by person named above)

Witness _____________________________________________ Date ____________

Keeping Us Safe
Proudly Serving America’s Senior Drivers andTheir Families
Copyright © 2011 Keeping Us Safe, LLC All Rights Reserved

A link to the actual, nicely formatted document is:

I have saved a copy in my "getting elded" file and will sign one.  Soon.  Really, I will.


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