Monday, June 3, 2013

A technique for aging women to remain vital

The other night I was talking with a friend who has done extensive research on a specific technique to assist older single women in remaining physically active and mentally alert into their elder years.  Variations on this technique may well also have positive results for men, but since the friend is a woman she has not extended her study to men.  The technique is based on admittedly unscientific research practices, but the results have been so stunning as to warrant further study with control groups.

It is well established that living in a group setting in close contact with friends or people with similar interests keeps older people active and engaged in life (see several previous posts on this blog).  It is also well established that exercise is a key component of a program to maintain mental alertness.  And staying mentally alert is the single most important factor affecting one's well being and physical health as one ages.

Co-housing is of particular interest to this author, having promoted this concept for a number of years with close friends (See "Invest in Social Connections", May 23, 2013).  There was also a recent piece on NPR about group housing for older single women (same post as above).  Perhaps a variation on this concept is the ideal test bed for my friend's technique.  Lets hope that someone picks this up as a research project.

The technique is this:

  • Several compatible older women live in a group house.  An older Victorian with a garden in a pleasant setting.
  • Staying physically fit is important, so the house includes an exercise room, a pool, and a good kitchen (cooking is a good social as well as physical activity).
  • Since single women living together are not usually knowledgeable in maintaining facilities, outside resources are brought in to keep things working properly.
    • A good handy man is essential to keep the building pleasant and attractive.
    • A good gardener to augment the efforts of the ladies and do the more physical work on the grounds.
    • A good pool maintenance man to keep the water clear and appealing.
      • Someone who, in California, for instance, would be called a pool boy.
      • A good pool boy.
      • A good HOT pool boy!
So that is the key component:  A HOT pool boy.  Good cardio stimulation.  Happy mental state.  Social interaction.  A perfect catalyst for a healthy life style for older single women in a group setting.  What could be better.

Well, being a man, I can think of one or two variations that might be better.


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